Hi , why i get only 0,2% exp in every zones ( in some zones i get 0 exp ) Isnt this server high rates? or is it bug ? or there is zone where i can lvl up fast ?
Yes i tryed lvl 100+ mobs and i get almost 0 exp even if its literrally impossible to kill bom but when i killed i got like 0,5% exp its like this server from 100 lvl is 1% rates similar to global server lol , but il try again .. will try.
Sorry , but maybe you ddint check your server , if your admin dont know this yet , but now im lvl 107 and for 1 mob for example in blazing swamp i get from red mob gave my 1% exp ( RED mob) and its pvp server , how can i lvl up to max with items that are limited to 14 days and i cant farm good weapons ? even if i buy them they will be stock with 0+ and sa and other things. I talked with atleast 7 people they all sayd its not normal rates in pvp server and sayd that many people left this server because of some last update that im ( new player) already see why P.s im veteran l2 player and trust me know lot of things and how it needs to work. This server looks good but if i cant lvl up to max lvl and need to grind exp many days ? no i will become 1 of this people who left this server already its just bul... I dont even ask to reduce price of all items in shop and reduce damage in some areas. (INCREASE RATES IN SERVER!!)
I am sorry Lineage2Ertheia, but unfortunately I have to agree with RITERIS. I mean c'mon, if this is really High Rate server as you claim, then why mobs give low XP?For example, why when as low level player you kill "Pink" mob you still gain level and a lot of XP, but when starting 104-105 you get only small amount of XP (0.30%-0.40%). I mean according to this server rates, we shouldn't be getting 0.30% because at this "rate' it will take weeks or even maybe few months to reach 125 level.And I don't want to mention that each new players gets only 14 days of free items and epic jewel, that's great yeah. But, during those 14 days we should be at MAX level and have a decent gear. How are we supposed to reach max level within 14 days and have decent gear? Maybe that's why there are barely people playing this server.I am Lineage 2 veteran and I do know how rates should be, also I've played this server when it was called Lineage2Media. I remember playing it and it was very good server until now.Off-topic, why suddenly when server got updated we have to farm new currencies just to buy the same items as before? I remember Destruction Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) used to cost only MC/Adene and Elcuym, now we have to farm Einhasad's Gold Coin too? Also, Shiny Elemental Shirt that costs almost 1 million Mouse Coins, really? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but please try to place yourself in players position and farm that kind amount of MC just to buy 1 item and don't forget that you need to buy scrolls too...
But mobs give less xp like 0.2% xp points at 120 + it can be increased making the high lvl mobs over 120 giving x3 or x4 xp than what exists now is consider nothing but it will help with lvling
yes and it's very slow over 120 + very slow alot