Author Topic: Идеи для сервера (Ideas for the server)  (Read 26266 times)


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Идеи для сервера (Ideas for the server)
« on: November 09, 2021, 11:06:43 PM »
Всем привет, это тема создана чтоб вы могли предложить свои идеи для сервер Lineage2Ertheia, чего бы вы хотели исправить, добавить или убрать, пишите на английском языке, что бы админ мог вас понять, делайте скриншоты, кнопка "Print - Prtscr" Скриншот сохраняться по этому пути C:\Games\Lineage2Ertheia\Screenshot заливайте на форум.
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« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:19:58 PM by Bullet »
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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 09:54:12 PM »
I propose to make an Orbis zone for Adena
Adena is a resource such that it is appreciated and it falls and so little, you need to add adena, for this I ask you to do, for example, Orbis 120+ and the resurrection of monsters, as in the Tauti zone, and increase adena from 50 million to 80 million, you no longer need to touch anything there.
And make, for example, the first floor the way it should be, the second floor for level 113, the third floor 120+

« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:20:52 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2021, 11:09:28 PM »
From the players, they suggest adding processing with statistics so that these items can only be obtained for events, TvT, the Last Hero, or collecting the alphabet and collecting pictures.
Processing options with stats from worst to top stats. There are different types of stats from bad to top (note: top options on the screen.)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 12:38:48 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2021, 11:53:03 PM »
We also suggest adding mouse coins to small raid bosses with a drop of up to 500k (we have checked all field raid bosses). The total collection of mouse coins was 3 million, which is very small. At the same time, we have lost a lot of time, it is more profitable to kill simple monsters. also add new items (atlas stones and increase the number of items).
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 12:47:05 PM by Bullet »
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Crystal Maze
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2021, 06:47:32 PM »
Admin, fix the event zone: Crystal Maze
Crystal Maze: 4 zones, it was possible to pass 115 -125 level
Here is a video of how all the mazes are held on the official Russian server

(1) Emerald Square

(2) Steam Corridor

(3) Coral Garden

there is also a bonus zone
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:22:07 PM by Bullet »
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« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2021, 06:49:49 PM »
Fortune: Fix it so that people can pass level 115-125 (raid boss mistakes must be fixed) monsters are too strong, they need to be fixed! the time of the zone is not working properly, the characters are thrown out of the zone, you need to add new things to each raid boss, people need a daily inst. zone, make an exclusive item, in the last Boss raid, for example, a Level 8 Saihi Talisman, Mouse Coins from 3 to 5 million, adens from 50 to 100 billion, add new items
Here is a video where the guys tested before, we also checked and nothing has changed, everything remains exactly the same
Here is a video about how "fortune" should be in general


Fortuna is an instance (in the vernacular dungeon) consisting of 9 stages. The zone is one large room with a monument in the center. To fully complete the instance, players need to complete 9 stages.

Hunting Features:
The entrance to the zone is possible for a group of 7 people.
You can get into the instance with the help of Izael from Ancient City Arcan (Ancient City Arcan).
The zone consists of 9 stages, at each of which a boss battle awaits the group.
Access to the zone is reset every day at 6:30 am, like all other instances in Lineage 2.
At stage 1, there will only be monsters that are easy enough to destroy and complete the stage. At stage 2, there will be the same monsters, but with an increased amount of HP, which are difficult to kill, there will also be spheres that will help switch monster types to weaker ones for easy room cleaning. During the passage of the stages, a special NPC will tell you what to do. Starting from stage 3, the bosses will begin. Starting from stage 4, a monster will appear that will devour the spheres that are needed to switch monster types. It must be destroyed so that it does not eat all the spheres.


Restrained Soldier ( Bound warrior) (92 ur.)
Nameless Lunacy (Warrior) ( Rage untitled) (93 ur.)
Restrained Wizard ( Bound MAG) (93 ur.)
Nameless Lunacy (Mage) ( Rage untitled) (92 ur.)
Corrupted Poison Cloud ( poison Cloud) (94 SD.)
Brakiera ( Bruciare) (95 LVL.)
Lakielo ( Rachilla) (95 LVL.)
Restrained Vampire ( Blood Bound) (95 LVL.)
Cryptic Berserker (Warrior) ( Cursed Lord) (81 ur.)
Cryptic Berserker (Mage) ( Rabies untitled) (96 SD.)
Restrained Elite Soldier ( Bound Elite warrior) (96 SD.)
Restrained Elite Wizard (Restrained Elite Magician) (level 96)
Cursed Priest (Cursed Seer) (level 97)

Reid Boss

(1) Weeping Yui
(2) Enraged Master Kinen
(3) Magical Warrior Konyar
(4) Sir Lesyinda of the Black Shadow
(5) Mushu the Coward
(6) Blind Hornafi
(7) Yoenturnak the Waiter
[8] Ron

Fortune Dungeon - features of the passage

It is the Fortune Dungeon that is among the most difficult to pass instances in Lineage 2, therefore, preparing for this event, in particular, if your character does not yet have enough experience in these campaigns, you need to be extremely responsible. To ensure the successful passage of this instance, at a minimum, you need to gather a good group of players, whose LVL will be 93 and higher, if the players have LVL lower, then you need to be extremely attentive to their experience and skill. To get access to participate in the event, you will definitely have to complete one fairly simple task, although one is quite long, but there will be no difficulties in its implementation, which you will need to take from an NPC named Lada. At the end of the quest, be sure to talk to Magmeld and then, you can already prepare to visit the Fortune Dungeon. So that you know what you will have to face on your way, then be ready to meet eight sufficiently strong and furious bosses in this dungeon, and not just face, but defeat everyone, which is a prerequisite for passing this event. But despite the difficulty of passing, you will definitely appreciate the rewards that await you on the way, because a variety of valuable items will fall out of each of the bosses, and if you are especially diligent, you may be able to get one of the parts of the famous kit called Seraph Armor. Other rare items that players find in the Fortune Dungeon fall out quite rarely, so if luck did not smile on you from the first time, do not lose hope and visit this place again and again until you get the necessary item. So that you have an idea how interesting and important this place is in the game, it is worth noting that it is never free, and some parties visit the dungeon almost daily, because this is an ideal option for crafting and earning, as well as searching for precious loot. If your first visit was unsuccessful, do not despair, because for sure, the most interesting things are waiting for you ahead and it is through failures that you will be able to gain your precious experience, which will definitely be useful to you in the game and of course, having won, you will enjoy it even more. Almost all parties that come here for the first time face failure, and then they already go considering their own mistakes, so don't stop halfway. When the group already knows what to expect from the dungeon, then its full passage, in general, takes about 30 to 40 minutes of time, but if you could not invest in 45 minutes, then be prepared for the fact that your party will be thrown out of the instance automatically, since a timer is set for the passage of this dungeon. The most common reason for party failures is either the low overall DPS of this party, or the frequent deaths of party participants in battles with monsters, but if you prepare well, you will definitely be able to overcome all obstacles, and you can start your preparation by reading this guide.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:23:23 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2021, 12:24:19 AM »
Purely my opinion, I propose to remove R 110 from Alt+B and make it so that people can gradually dress from R99 to R110 through NPC, NPC already exists, everything is already configured there, and reduce pumping from 110 to 125 so that they can improve R 99 things during this time. and then start making R110. It's not the first time I've noticed that people immediately run to kill monsters of a large level, in the initial things, and want to immediately get dressed in top things, this is wrong.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 12:48:19 PM by Bullet »
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event store TVT
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2021, 05:03:18 PM »
I propose to make such an event store so that people want to go to events, and new players have something to strive for!!!!
The original store.

New Event Store

Here with such things you need to make an "event store" Here are such things of average quality, there will be interests for players, a level 2 belt, level 9 agateons, noob RB accessories, which are all as in the screenshot. The appearance of the shields can be left, the rest is garbage, you have unnecessary there. do as shown in the 2 screenshot
List of things
Color Title (Event)
La Vie En Rose's Brooch Lv.4
Ruler's Authority -  Lv.1
Shiny Elemental Shirt
Physical Reflect Shirt
Magical Reflect Shirt
Kaliel's Bracelet
Elmoreden Cloak
Aden Cloak
Elmore Cloak
Atlas' Erring
Ferios Cloak
White Knight Appearance
Grand Healer Appearance
Grand Chevalier Appearance
Chevalier Appearance
Valkyrie Appearance
Barbarian Appearance
Cat Appearance
Valakas Dragon Armor Human Male
Antharas Dragon Armor Orc Male
Lindvior Dragon Armor Shaman Male
Aegis Armor Appearance Stone
Death Knight Sword - Appearance Stone
Scroll: Modify Demonic Sword Zariche
Scroll: Modify Bood Sword Akamanah
Lindvior Slayer Circlet
Lindvior Slayer's Cloak
Final Form of Darkness Appearance Stone Kamael Only
Final Form Armor of Light Appearance Stone Kamael Only
Aegis Cloak
Circlet of Authority
Circlet of Foresight
Circlet of Grace
Enhanced Shadow Shaper
Enhanced Shadow Cutter
Enhanced Shadow Slasher
Enhanced Shadow Fighter
Enhanced Shadow Stormer
Enhanced Shadow Thrower
Enhanced Shadow Shooter
Enhanced Shadow Buster
Enhanced Shadow Retributer
Enhanced Shadow Dualsword
Death Knight - Stage 1 Human Fighter Male Only
Death Knight - Stage 2 Human Fighter Male Only
Death Knight - Stage 3 Human Fighter Male
Death Knight - Ultimate Human Fighter Male Only
Orfen's Earring
Zaken's Earring
Frintezza's Necklace
Ring of Core
Freya's Necklace
Istina's Ring
Istina's Earring
Istina's Necklace
Octavis Ring
Octavis Earring
Octavis Necklace
Expert's Mask
Talisman - Insanity
Talisman - Seven Signs
Talisman - Abundance Lv.2
Venir's Talisman Stage 15
Sayha's Talisman Stage 5
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Skill Power
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Attribute Attack
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Skill Cooldown
Cara's Talisman Pack
Talisman of Protection Lv.5
Agathion - Lv.8
jewelry Lv.5
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 04:28:22 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2021, 09:00:17 PM »
will remake ty
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2021, 09:00:50 PM »
Purely my opinion, I propose to remove R 110 from Alt+B and make it so that people can gradually dress from R99 to R110 through NPC, NPC already exists, everything is already configured there, and reduce pumping from 110 to 125 so that they can improve R 99 things during this time. and then start making R110. It's not the first time I've noticed that people immediately run to kill monsters of a large level, in the initial things, and want to immediately get dressed in top things, this is wrong.

pumping / xp dynamic remade
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event store PVP
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2021, 05:34:35 PM »
PVP shop I propose to return the runes that gave stats, STR, INT, CON, MEN, DEX, WIT, CHA, LUC +1 you need to add the fragments that will be needed in PVP and make them temporary so that things are for PVP or make runes that would give PVP damage +5%, or received in PVP -5%
This is the kind of reward that people would try to fight for in PVP.

Here are these external types of armor, remove them from the main section and leave them only for the event and donation.

PVP Shop List of things
Scroll Weapon 100% for 21
Runa all Stats +1 (7 days)
Color Title (Event)
Atlas' Erring
Antharas Earring
Valakas Necklace
Lindvior Earring
Earth Wyrm Heart Ring
Tauti's Ring
Baium's Ring
Queen Ant's Ring
Fallen Angel's Ring
Dragon Shirt
Shiny Elemental Shirt
Physical Reflect Shirt
Magical Reflect Shirt
Talisman - Insanity
Talisman - Seven Signs
Talisman - Abundance Lv.3
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Skill Power
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Attribute Attack
Advanced Mammon's Talisman Skill Cooldown
Cara's Talisman Pack
Venir's Talisman Stage 20
Sayha's Talisman Stage 8
Talisman of Protection Lv10
Kaliel's Bracelet
La Vie En Rose's Brooch Lv.5
Ruler's Authority - Genesis Lv.2
Agathion - Freya
Agathion - Anakim Holy Barrier
Elmoreden Cloak
Aden Cloak
Elmore Cloak
Ferios Cloak
Noble Circlet of Authority
Noble Circlet of Foresight
Noble Circlet of Grace
Savior's Mask
Death Knight - Stage 1 Human Fighter Male Only
Death Knight - Stage 2 Human Fighter Male Only
Death Knight - Stage 3 Human Fighter Male
Death Knight - Ultimate Human Fighter Male Only
Final Form of Darkness Appearance Stone Kamael Only
Final Form Armor of Light Appearance Stone Kamael Only
Aegis Cloak
White Knight Appearance
Grand Healer Appearance
Grand Chevalier Appearance
Chevalier Appearance
Valkyrie Appearance
Barbarian Appearance
Cat Appearance
Valakas Dragon Armor Human Male
Antharas Dragon Armor Orc Male
Lindvior Dragon Armor Shaman Male
Aegis Armor Appearance Stone
Death Knight Sword - Appearance Stone
Scroll: Modify Demonic Sword Zariche
Scroll: Modify Bood Sword Akamanah
Greater jewelry Lv.1
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:25:11 PM by Bullet »
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Zarich and Akamanah
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2021, 08:12:35 PM »
Here's another idea, make Zarich and Akamanah for pvp, increase the damage, there is no damage at all. I raised the "swords of Akamanakh" on a fully clothed character and, so to speak, did not cause any damage at all, although I gained 20 PK, the attack increased significantly, but very weakly affects monsters and people. Soulshots don't work

« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 03:25:32 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2021, 08:17:46 AM »
very well done, in work many of the above
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2021, 01:34:24 AM »
Admin, make it so that when you die on the "Primeval Island", the character does not teleport to the city, but ends up there only on the beach.

The players asked you to do the right skill
And fix the skill, it should also fall on other characters by target
(For 1 hour for the selected goal, an experience bonus and SP + 10%. Consumes 120 pcs. Spirit Ores. The cooldown time of the skill is fixed)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 12:50:01 PM by Bullet »
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Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2021, 10:19:03 PM »
Add the atlas fragments to (RB, which are scattered around the neighborhood). Remove the atlas earring from all RB, even from epic, leave it to fall only in Kartia, and add fragments, and  the opportunity to break it into selenite. Increase HP, RB in Kartia. Reduce the chance of an earring falling out by up to 50% and fix the inst group "Kartia"

Remove the improvements of RB accessories for Selenite , do as it was before only for the solvent
remove P110 from Alt+B and do as I wrote you above. in the post

Make different chances of accessories falling out with raid bosses, for example, Antaras earring, 90% probability, Angel earring, 50% probability, Dragon earring, 30% probability. Change the probability of dropping all the accessories for raid bosses.

And I also don't know if it's possible at all, people have suggested that NPCs replace an angel accessory with another angel accessory, for example, an earring can be replaced with a ring

And make it so that it can be broken down into selenite
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 12:50:37 PM by Bullet »
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Lineage2Ertheia High Rate PvP Server

Re: Идеи для сервера
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2021, 10:19:03 PM »